STEMology Club is an after-school STEM/STEAM enrichment and advocacy program targeted at Preschool, Elementary, and Middle School youth in Phoenix, Arizona.
Rachna Mathur is an educator and a computer engineer with over 20 years of combined experience in teaching children and adults coding, AI, robotics, other STEM subjects, dance, and art. She is a computer engineer, classical Indian dance teacher, STEMpreneur, and educational researcher who is currently a Doctoral Candidate at ASU's Mary Lou Fulton Teacher's College (#13 in the US for Education) focusing her research on early-age STEM education.
Prior to the world of education, Rachna spent 10+ years at Intel as a Software Engineer & in Product Marketing. Her first job as an ASU freshman was teaching coding, sometimes to a room of 100 students! She has served as Director at ID Tech's summer STEM camps, Academy & Marketing Director at prominent Indian dance schools in Austin and Phoenix where she lead & grew company operations, managed instructor staffs, implemented their software platforms, and most importantly, taught whenever needed!
Robot Turtles is a board game to learn fundamentals of computational thinking and coding for PreK-3rd in an "unplugged", fun, and engaging way!
STEMology Club offers elementary-level courses for students during school, after school, and out of school as single-day, multi-day, and semester-long classes. We love to collaborate, co-teach, and co-construct STEM classes with teachers. Please contact us for creative ways to approach STEM experiences in your school or community!

STEM Pop Ups
We love to share our passion for STEM in the community!
STEMology Club is happy to volunteer time for an interactive booth at your school science fair, community event, or in a park!
In the past, we have been at AZSciTech Events, AZ Gifted Conference, neighborhood parks, and school science fairs!
Inspiring the Next Gen of students and educators!
Rachna is available to present and talk to youth about STEM-related topics. She has been invited in the past to Pacific Northwest Aerospace Alliance (2019), TCEA (2020), FETC (2020), AZSciTech (2021), ASU Teachers College Doctoral Council (2022), and Industry Chats with Nepris.
We are happy to answer any questions, please contact rachna@stemology.club or submit the form at the bottom of the page.
4 C's+1 of the 21st Century
To navigate through our increasingly complex world, help students "Find their Inner STEMologist" and prepare them for an exciting future requires focus on the "Four C's+1 of the 21st Century" : Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, Critical Thinking (the original Four C's) and Curiosity (STEMology Club's additional C!)
Meet our STEMologist family!

I am an Artist, an Engineer, a Tinkerer, and a Teacher! I graduated from ASU with a BS & MS in Computer Science and am working on my EdD! I have 10+ years of experience working at Intel in Software Engineering & Product Marketing and 10+ years teaching a wide range of topics from STEM subjects to Classical Indian Dance! I love tinkering, playing with my kids, and dancing!

I love experiments, building things, reading, and collecting rocks! I want to be a geologist and a paleontologist when I grow up. I am determined to dig through the earth to find the core but also write my own fiction novel. I am in 5th grade where I am busy exploring the world. I also love dancing, singing and playing with my little brother, mom, dad!

I love running around, sometimes in circles until I get dizzy and fall over! I am curious about... everything! What are those holes in the wall? Can I stick my finger in it? Where will that door take me? What happens if I fling this bowl of oatmeal on to the wall? Most of all I love playing with my sister, I want to be just like her when I grow up!

I am a Runner, a Painter, an Engineer, and Apple Enthusiast! I graduated from ASU with a MS and PhD in Industrial Engineering and Marketing. I have been in pricing consulting in London and the US at Insight, Zilliant, and Spear but have now found my calling as an Education Strategist at Jamf! I love reading, drawing, playing racquetball and running!